Please Note:

This blog is not meant to influence anyone's opinions. The purpose is not so that everyone will think like me. Rather the purpose is to awaken some feelings, emotions, and intellectual ideas in others and me. The purpose of communication is probably not so that we all agree on everything and have the same ideas, rather to learn to live together with tolerance for one another.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Parashat HaShavua: The Spies of Eretz Israel

In Parashat Shlach Lecha, Hashem tells Moshe to send scouts to Eretz Israel. The nation of Israel reaches the "border" of Eretz Israel, their promised land, and they are commanded to first send 12 scouts in order to plan their conquering of the land.The Torah describes the spies as all being "Anshei Shem" or highly regarded people. Moshe sends them because they are qualified to do such a job, to aid the conquering of the Land of Israel. When the spies return, all but 2 of them fill the nation with fear and doubts about conquering the land. For this they are greatly punished as well as all people who believe them. The question is what is their sin and how can we learn from this?

What the spies most likely forgot, or lost track of is that their whole trip from Egypt was filled with Heavenly guidance and that everything which Hashem commanded or decreed happened thus far. The mission of the spies was to use the knowledge they had, and the faith in Hashem and to conquer the Land of Israel. Instead they allowed their fear to take over them and forgot to have faith. They saw large cities and giant people and were afraid of what the future would hold for them. As a result the future of the spies turned out pretty close to what their fears predicted. They forgot that the only way to better the world and to take control of something for the better is with faith in Hashem. If we only look at the facts, and leave no place for faith, then the world looks like a scary place. A place which is unconquerable, and a place of no hope.

The same things apply with the raising of children. At times there seem to be endless obstacles, which seem like what the spies saw in there tour of Eretz Israel. At times to me, there seems to be no right answer for how to raise my children as G-d fearing Jews. There is no place that can guarantee that they will turn out as frum, or observant jews. There is no institution which can produce good people from out kids. We cannot simply send them out to the "right" kindergarten, or school and know that everything will be alright. Sometimes the teachers and great but the classmates are not so good, or visa versa. At times, I find myself engulfed in the same fears of the spies. Being a father to relatively young children, I feel like this is the crucial time to instill fear of heaven in them. I look around and see the the environment is not perfect. I find myself very focused on the things that our community is lacking. Whether it is in the US or in Eretz Israel, there seems to be no right place with all the right answers. As parents we want our kids to turn out "right" more than anything else.

The parasha of the spies has cause me to realize that the truth is maybe a little different than my fears. The most important thing is to have faith in Hashem and our children. Also we must know that if we put in the effort, our values and beliefs can out-way any negatives in the outside. Living in the feeling of faith and Emunah is rewarding by itself. It allows for an environment of calm and positive upbringing for the children. It also shows our children not to be afraid of obstacles. Hashem "gave" us our children because we are capable of raising them according to the Torah. We were not given any tasks which cannot be completed. This must be a reminder to us always to know that no matter how the situation looks from the outside, with inner Emunah we can conquer the Land of Israel, and the raising of our children.

May we be blessed to see ourselves and all our children as scouts and not spies!

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